At Iglum Technologies, we believe in building strong, long-lasting relationships with our clients, and we are dedicated to helping them achieve their goals and grow their businesses.

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Akoka, Lagos
+234 (816) 603 91 45

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  • Cloud DevOps: When Code Meets the Cloud
    "Taking your code to new heights with our cloud DevOps solutions!"

Our Solutions

The solutions we are offering is designed
to meet all your business needs.

CI/CD Pipeline Development

The implementation of a CI/CD pipeline results in faster and more efficient software delivery. It also increases automation of build, test, and deployment processes, while providing greater collaboration and visibility across development teams.This results in more reliable releases with fewer errors

Container Orchestration with Kubernetes

Streamline deployment and scaling of containerized applications, improving resource utilization and cost efficiency. It enhances availability and fault tolerance, while providing greater automation and easier management of containerized infrastructure.

Infrastructure Automation

The use of tools like Ansible/Terraform leads to faster provisioning and deployment of infrastructure resources, improved consistency and repeatability of infrastructure deployments, and enhanced collaboration and standardization across teams. It also reduces the risk of human error and increases the reliability of infrastructure.

Monitoring and Logging

Provide improved visibility and understanding of system performance, faster detection and diagnosis of issues, and better capacity planning and resource utilization. It also enhances collaboration and communication across teams.

Cloud-native Application Development

Cloud-native application development improves the scalability and flexibility of applications, provides greater automation and resilience of applications, and results in more efficient resource utilization and cost optimization. It also enhances portability and compatibility with different cloud platforms.

Microservices Architecture

The use of microservices results in a more modular and scalable architecture, greater agility and faster time to market, improved fault tolerance and resiliency, and more efficient use of resources and easier maintenance.

Why Choose Us?

Streamlining Software Delivery
with CI/CD Pipeline Development.

Use Case:

Quaptro Inc. is a software development company that creates mobile applications for both Android and iOS devices. The company has several development teams working on different features of the application, and they need a faster and more reliable way to deliver software updates to their users.


Previously, Quaptro Inc. relied on manual testing and deployment processes, which often led to delays and errors. This resulted in unhappy customers, missed deadlines, and lost revenue opportunities. The development teams were also finding it difficult to collaborate effectively, as they worked in silos and had limited visibility into each other's progress.


To address these challenges, Quaptro Inc. implemented a CI/CD pipeline development process. They automated the build, test, and deployment processes, which helped to streamline their software delivery and reduce the risk of errors. They also implemented a version control system, which allowed the teams to collaborate more effectively and track changes to the codebase. As a result, Quaptro Inc. was able to deliver software updates to their customers faster and with greater reliability. The development teams were able to work more collaboratively, which led to a better understanding of the application and faster issue resolution. The company saw an increase in customer satisfaction and revenue opportunities, which helped to drive their business forward.

Rev up your application infrastructure
with Kubernetes container orchestration.

Use Case

John is the head of IT at a rapidly growing e-commerce company called Shopper's Choice. As the company has expanded, their application infrastructure has become increasingly complex, with multiple microservices and dependencies. John needs to find a solution to streamline application deployment and improve resource utilization.


Currently, the company's developers manually deploy their applications to servers, which often results in inconsistencies and errors. As the application grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage the different components, and scaling is a challenge. Moreover, the existing infrastructure cannot handle the increasing traffic, which results in slower performance and lower user satisfaction.


John decides to implement container orchestration with Kubernetes to manage their application infrastructure. Kubernetes allows them to automate deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. With Kubernetes, the company can create a cluster of virtual machines, which allows them to optimize resource utilization and easily scale their applications based on traffic. Kubernetes also offers self-healing capabilities, which can automatically recover failed containers or replace them with new ones. With container orchestration, Shopper's Choice can now deploy and manage their applications with ease, resulting in faster performance, improved resource utilization, and better user satisfaction.

"Transform your business with infrastructure automation
Say goodbye to delays and errors!"

Use Case:

A large e-commerce company is expanding rapidly and needs to quickly spin up new infrastructure to support their growing customer base. They are experiencing challenges with manual infrastructure provisioning, which is causing delays and inconsistencies in their deployment process.


The manual infrastructure provisioning process is time-consuming, error-prone, and difficult to scale. The e-commerce company needs a solution that can automate the deployment process, ensure consistency and repeatability, and reduce the risk of human error.


By implementing infrastructure automation tools like Ansible or Terraform, the e-commerce company can streamline their infrastructure deployment process. Automation allows for faster provisioning of resources, eliminates the need for manual configuration, and ensures consistency across different environments. With automation in place, the e-commerce company can easily scale their infrastructure to meet the demands of their growing customer base, while also reducing the risk of errors and ensuring a more reliable deployment process.

"Keeping the Lights On:
How Monitoring and Logging Saved a Business from Disaster"

Use Case

A growing online retailer was experiencing rapid growth and increased traffic to their website. However, their server infrastructure was struggling to keep up with demand, and the site frequently experienced slowdowns and outages. This resulted in lost revenue and frustrated customers.


The retailer's IT team was struggling to identify the root cause of these performance issues. They lacked the visibility and insights needed to understand the behavior of their servers and applications, making it difficult to diagnose and resolve problems in a timely manner.


The IT team implemented a comprehensive monitoring and logging solution using Prometheus and Grafana. They were able to gain real-time visibility into the performance and behavior of their servers and applications, as well as collect and analyze detailed logs of system activity.

As a result, they were able to quickly identify and diagnose the root cause of performance issues, such as spikes in traffic or overutilization of resources. This allowed them to proactively make adjustments to their infrastructure and applications, preventing future issues from occurring and minimizing the impact of any problems that did arise.

How ACME Corp. Improved Scalability and Flexibility
with Cloud-Native Application Development.

Use Case:

ACME Corp. is a rapidly growing e-commerce company that has experienced a surge in demand for its products. As a result, their current monolithic application architecture is unable to scale to meet the increased traffic and customer demand.


ACME Corp.'s monolithic architecture is causing issues with scalability and flexibility, leading to increased downtime and customer frustration. They need a solution that can handle their growing demand while also remaining flexible and easily adaptable to changing business needs.


ACME Corp. turns to cloud-native application development to solve their problem. By breaking their monolithic architecture into smaller microservices, they can scale each component independently to handle increased traffic. They also implement containers and Kubernetes to manage their infrastructure, allowing for improved resource utilization and faster deployment of new features.

With this new approach, ACME Corp. can quickly and easily adapt to changes in customer demand and business needs. They also see improved performance and availability, leading to increased customer satisfaction and revenue.

Overall, cloud-native application development has helped ACME Corp. to improve their scalability and flexibility, leading to increased success and growth in their market.

Technologies we use

Convinced yet? Let's make something great together.
If you got any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

21 Ilaje Rd., Akoka
Lagos, 102216

234 816 603 91 45